A studio is born

Home » A studio is born

When the publisher of Cloth Paper Scissors Studios put out a call for photos of artist studios to be shared as part of its Open Studios Event,  I knew it was time for my paper crafting studio to be born. Of course, the word studio, for the room in which I work, sounds a little high-brow, but according to the definition of the online Free Dictionary, a studio is an artist’s workroom, so what else would you call it?

My paper crafting studio, therefore, was born not even 12 hours ago. It blossomed from my son’s now vacant bedroom, thanks to the empty desk, bookshelves and chest of drawers he left behind when he graduated from college this past June, and relocated to Chicago. Unlike my sewing room (see First stitches, first steps), which is dedicated just to sewing, the challenge in using my son’s bedroom was to retain his bedroom as sleeping space for guests, yet still be able to use the room as paper crafting space. This is a challenge, I think, that many artists face when they work out of their home: carving work space from a room already being used for a different purpose. If you peek at the left corner of the photo below, for example, you’ll see part of the bed next to my desk.

On a positive note, that same bed can double as a photography staging area. The light from the window is a plus, especially since I can diffuse it with blinds (now pulled up out of sight). A view of the woods behind our house provides wonderful inspiration for future projects, since you will frequently see a family of deer feeding on our day lilies, a woodchuck that hugs the edge of our yard, bright red cardinals who swoop from branch to tree branch, and playful squirrels who scamper up the tree trunks and race across the neighbors’ lawns.

To the right of my desk is a single bookcase, crammed with paper and tools, including my Zutter Bind-it-All and Dreamkuts tools, Xyron 500 Create-a-Sticker machine and Crop-A-Dile gadget. There is nothing beautiful about the stacks of paper and boxes, except perhaps to me. They suggest possibilities which are far less probable when those same items are scattered across various rooms in the house, and in the basement. Even better is my husband’s satisfaction, now that the paper crafting madness is contained to one room, for the most part.

My husband was so thrilled with the prospect of reclaiming some of the basement shelves, in fact, that he mounted a few shelves in my new paper crafting studio.

The chest of drawers below the new shelves is perfect for some of my larger tools, which include a color laser printer, a Cricut Expression® cutting machine, and my Fiskars paper cutting board. Inside the drawers are more supplies, as well as some projects that are in progress. If there is one fact you can state with absolute certainty, it is that paper crafting takes up lots of space!

At the moment, my new studio is a work in progress, awaiting those touches that will reflect more of my personality. But I have begun by displaying a small collection of blown glass ornaments.

Last night’s relocation efforts have now become a reality, birthing a new work space. My next challenge? Find a way to store yarn efficiently! My husband says the master bedroom is off-limits.

© 2009 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved. 

6 thoughts on “A studio is born”

  1. The Filigree Garden

    You have a very nice, new work space. I love the view outside – very inspiring. Is it always that neat?? 😉

  2. memoriesforlifescrapbooks

    Love your new studio!We have so many of the same tools…I was reading the list and nodding my head…LOL!

  3. Magpie's Mumblings

    What a great use for your extra bedroom! We currently have two bedrooms in our house that aren't being used…hmmm…wonder how hubby would feel if I were to expand out of my current studio?!Thanks for the fun tourCheersMary Anne

  4. Splendid Little Stars

    oooooo…..can I stop drooling long enough to make a coherent comment?!Most of my paper stuff is in one place, fairly well organized, but in the basement. I don't want to work down there, so I haul it up to the kitchen. I love being in my kitchen. It is truly one of my favorite workspaces. It has great light and a view of the woods behind us. However, and this is a huge however, it would be wonderful to have all possibly needed items right at one's fingertips, close to the work surface.Thanks for sharing your wonderful new studio!

  5. HI ! I had to smile about your sentences where your husband meant the bedroom is off limits……that could have come from mine as well….he used to complaint about the table involved in the dinning room, but since I have my own Studio in the basement he is not complaining anymore…..enjoy creating in your wonderful space!Smiles, Anke 😉

  6. Thistle Cove Farm

    chuckle…I know what you mean about using the word 'studio'; around here my 'studio' is generally known as Sandra's Playhouse -smile-.

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