Christmas in April

Home » Christmas in April

I’m not sure what bug invaded my husband’s and my dreams this past weekend, but  when John and I decided to dig into some old, musty, dusty cardboard boxes in our garage to find out what was in them, a few surprises awaited us.

Eight years ago, we moved into this house with a little help in the packing department from some well-intentioned souls. This meant that many boxes were labeled with phrases like “Basement Storage,” “1996 Panic Box” (the result of being notified that company was arriving unexpectedly), and “Judy’s Stuff,” which identifies the owner very well but doesn’t supply very helpful information otherwise.  I’m sure there are many more boxes like these that just need to be dumped, but there are also others that have funny, special or useful treasures in them. Here’s what we found.

Once upon a time, I wore frog glasses. I have no idea why I saved these, but here they are. Admit it (you know who you are): some of you had lenses just like these about 25 (or more) years ago.


I guess I can't deny that I wore these glasses. For a long time, I was the only one in my family who wore glasses. This photo was the late 1970s. Top row, left to right: John (my husband), me. Bottom row: Mark (my brother), my mother, my father, Monica (my sister).
I guess I can’t deny that I wore these over-sized frames. For a long time, I was the only one in my family who wore glasses. This photo was taken one Christmas during the late 1970s. Top row, left to right: John (my husband), me. Bottom row: Mark (my brother), my mother, my father, Monica (my sister). Missing: Rick (my other brother; I think he is the person who took the photo).

I found this letter from my mother, who is no longer with us. Born in Germany, she was self-conscious about writing in English and wrote very few letters. I really treasure this one!

My mother taught herself how to type at age 60. This letter was one of her practice exercises, I suspect.
My mother taught herself how to type at age 60. This letter was one of her practice exercises, I suspect.
My mother wore a dress, or a skirt and blouse, nearly every day of her life.--November 1972
My mother wore a dress, or a skirt and blouse, nearly every day of her life.–November 1972

Did you know that embossing markers and Sharpies will survive eight years in a cardboard box if the packages have never been opened?


Back in 1997, 3M came out with what is probably the prototype to today’s ATG (Adhesive Tape Gun) dispenser. I was amazed to discover that this almost-vintage adhesive dispenser can still  be refilled with Scotch® Permanent Glue Tape 924-100! In all this time, the re-order number has not changed.


For years, my husband has been urging me to replace the paper crimpers I “lost” when we moved. I knew I would eventually find them, however, so I resisted the purchase (and found other things to buy). Yesterday’s models look a little different from today’s versions, but they work equally well. The red crimper from Marvy® Uchida handles paper up to 8-1/2 inches wide, while the blue-and-orange Fiskars tool crimps sheets up to 6-1/2 inches wide.


In a previous post, I mentioned that my Aunt Doris from Germany recycles old calendars and turns them into photo albums. I found four more of them this weekend, just waiting to be filled.


Finally, I believe I have the next few years’ handmade Christmas tree ornament projects planned. I have no idea why I have so many of these!


What is the longest you have kept an unopened box following a household move? What treasure(s) did you find?

© 2013 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

8 thoughts on “Christmas in April”

  1. I had those frog glasses too, but only as reading glasses and I broke them when I sat on them. I bet they will be back in fashion sometime.
    I did recently find not 1 but 3 marbling kits from about 20 years ago.
    Perhaps I had better go and open some boxes.

  2. Wonderful trip down memory lane and you found some pretty and useful things in your box!
    My mother has always been a dress/skirt person. She wears pants these days, as they are practical, but feels self-conscious wearing them. That letter is so precious – glad you kept it!

  3. Great finds! It both amuses and confuses me when I find things I didn’t even remember I owned, but it happens when I clean out things in my room at my parent’s house.

  4. What fun treasures! I love finding old photos and letters like this 🙂
    There was a scrapbook store going out of business about 5 years ago. The lady sold me the remaining paper and a few stickers at a really great price. I think there are 4 or 5 large filing boxes full…and I’ve never gone through them. I bet there are a lot of treasures in there!

  5. Trina (Trina's Clay Creations)

    Oh wow, it was like Christmas for sure! How wonderful that you found all of these things, and so nice that you found the photographs! What great memories! I had a pair of glasses like that, my first pair… Funny!

  6. What wonderful treasures!! I still have my Grandma Larson’s dishes and glassware stored in a box. Those boxes have moved with me since 1978. They remain unopened because I do not have a dining room or cupboard space — and neither do my kids. I suppose some “vintage” dealer would appreciate them, but I can’t bear to part with them just yet.

  7. I had those glasses too! Still have them around here someplace. I’ve been going though boxes packed two years ago some were packed with items packed 15 years ago, boxes were opened only to repack. Haha!

  8. I have about 3-4 pairs of glasses too, in various drawers. Don’t see why I should throw them away, they’re still good – just not for me… Neat tape dispensers. I think they’re great, but expensive. I bought one of the little ones once! {:-D

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