Announcing the winner of The Complete Decorated Journal

Home » Announcing the winner of The Complete Decorated Journal

Gwen Diehn Book Giveaway 4.26.13Congratulations to Kathy Roeth from Chino Valley, Arizona, who is today’s winner of Gwen Diehn’s The Complete Decorated Journal: A Compendium of Journaling Techniques.“What a wonderful giveaway!” said Kathy. “Wow! Believe it or not, I have never created an art journal. I have visited a few blogs and seen what others have created.”

Although Kathy is a newcomer to art journaling techniques, she is no stranger to the world of art. She is the owner of tapestry316 on Etsy, where she sells watercolor paintings, pen and ink drawings, mixed media and prints of the horses she loves, as well as other animals. “One of my favorite subjects to paint is horses. I have loved art as long as I have loved horses,” reports Kathy, “and I cannot remember a time when I was not passionate about both of them.”

Sleepy horse artwork – print of original watercolor painting – 5 x 7

Kathy studied art history in college and has taken many studio art classes. For many years she worked as a custom art framer and eventually became the co-owner of a gallery, art store, and custom picture frame shop. In 2009, she sold that business and now works full-time at her art and is in the process of illustrating a series of children’s books written by her daughter, Cynthia.

If you visit Kathy’s blog, she shares some of her art explorations, as well as her deep faith. Make sure you check out her tutorials, where you can learn how to transfer your drawings to paper using crayons (Just have to love crayons) or make a tracing light box with materials you have on hand (Bet you can make this Tracing Light Box in 10 minutes and for FREE!)

Kathy is a fellow member of the Blogging Business Artisans team on Etsy, and also belongs to another Etsy team called the 7 Card Draw Team that specializes in making artist trading cards, also known as ACEOs (Art Cards, Editions and Originals). She shares some of her creations in a post called Art-full Wednesday.

As a newcomer to art journaling, I suspect Kathy will bring lots of energy and creativity to her first journal, since she has so many artistic skills. Congratulations once more!

© 2013 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

9 thoughts on “Announcing the winner of The Complete Decorated Journal”

  1. Wow! Thank you so much! Both for the wonderful book and for this lovely write up about me – I appreciate this very much. I am soooo looking forward to peeking into this new book and discovering the wonderful world of art journaling! Thank you!

  2. Congratulations Kathy. What a talented artist, and friend. Can’t wait to see what you do with art journaling in the future!

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