UFOs on the spring work table

Home » UFOs on the spring work table

You don’t expect snow early in May, but that’s what we have in Iowa right now. It started snowing early yesterday morning, and is still snowing as I write. Because it was 82 degrees just a few days ago, the ground is still relatively warm, preventing the snow from doing much more than clumping in the newly sprouted green grass and dusting the tops of the day lilies at the edge of the woods facing our back yard. In any event, it’s unwelcome. It also motivates me to work on UFOs (UnFinished Objects) inside the house that relate to spring. My husband, who puts up with my piles lying everywhere, will tell you that these are not UFOs, but FOPS (Fields of Projects).


Sitting on my work table are a couple of gardening journals with six signatures apiece—two signatures containing lined pages, and three signatures containing pocket pages for photos of flowers, vegetables or seed packets. I need to make covers for them, and sew the signatures together.


Also sitting on my work table are stacks of mini book covers which, when they are bound, will become gratitude journals, password record books and blank books.


On the edge of my sewing table is a stack of pre-cut fabrics in pinks and greens, destined to morph into pin cushions. I’m hopeful that Dancing Thimble will open sometime in late spring or early summer. Administratively speaking, the shop has been in existence since before my father passed away almost two years ago. But in reality, this Etsy shop has sat empty.


Spring is always a good time to start new projects. What’s on your spring work table right now?

© 2013 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

3 thoughts on “UFOs on the spring work table”

  1. Very pretty! The fabrics, that is, not the snow. Yikes! Not to disparage the beauty of nature, but it’s May!

  2. Love your little robin mini book cover. What a great idea to use them for passwords. I have way too many passwords for this old brain to remember.

    Snow was a very unpleasant surprise here, too. Today it is COLD and rainy. It is graduation day at UNL, so there will be many soggy seniors.

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