Finding new uses for scrap yarn

Home » Finding new uses for scrap yarn

Leftover yarn is the by-product of every yarn enthusiast I know. I have a plastic tub, in fact, that is filled with small balls of yarn that are in search of a project. Last week, in an effort to remedy this situation, I designed a head warmer that uses about two ounces of leftover yarn. This 8th week of the 52 Weeks Challenge, I became a “hooker on a mission,” completing three head warmers with scrap yarn, and one earflap hat and matching scarflette with yarn from my main stash. You can see the results below, as well as in my Etsy shop, JN Originals.

Other ideas I have considered for leftover yarn include:

  • Crocheting flowers that can be worn as brooches or fastened to bags
  • Weaving the yarn into cord for pillow edging, bag handles or even fiber necklaces
  • Using yarn instead of ribbon for gift packages
  • Donating leftover yarn to the local senior center, an after-school program or an elementary school art teacher
  • Weaving or crocheting yarn into place mats or drink coasters

Lisa Hamblin of Crochet ‘N’ More has collected many ideas about ways to use scrap yarn in her post, Scrap Yarn Ideas. Among them are spool knitting, wrapping a potato chip can with yarn and using the container as a pencil case, and using the yarn for plastic canvas needlepoint. Knitters will discover a wonderful range of free scrap yarn patterns from Barbara Breitbach, who co-wrote with Gail Diven The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Knitting & Crocheting, 3rd edition, at Knitting on the Net.  Another collection of ideas for scrap yarn is blogged about by Kristina of Scraps Creatively Reused and Recycled Art Projects (S.C.R.A.P.) in her post, 16 Ways to Use Up Leftover Yarn (and other threads) This Christmas. The ideas in Kristina’s list can be implemented not just during the holidays, but anytime of the year.

How do you use your leftover yarn? I’d love to hear your ideas.

© 2011 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

7 thoughts on “Finding new uses for scrap yarn”

  1. Fabric Fascination

    First off, Judy your work is so clean and perfect looking. I have done a little crocheting, and it never looked like that!

    Secondly, I love all the ideas and links to more ideas of ways to use up your yarn stash. There is little so satisfying as making good use of things we already have on hand.

  2. I don’t have leftover yarn…. That eye flap hat sure looks warm. Great design! Hope your having fun in your challenge. What a great idea! {:-D

  3. Great blog with some great ideas. I have so many (too many) little balls of leftover yarn. They are great for little projects like headbands, or a baby hat; but many became little playthings for my kitty cats. Well, either that of they will be helping themselves!

  4. Thanks for these links – I always have leftover yarn & sometimes it drives me crazy trying to come up with something to do with it!

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