Blogging Business Artisans holds Secret Santa exchange

Home » Blogging Business Artisans holds Secret Santa exchange

This fall I joined a new Etsy team calling itself Blogging Business Artisans, whose goal is to encourage, inspire, promote, and socialize with other creative entrepreneurs with a focus on social marketing. In case you think that means we’re all about business, let me tell you that we do have fun! This holiday season, Sharla of the Beaded Tail organized a Secret Santa exchange. We all listed our likes and dislikes to make it a little easier to put together a package for our “partner,” but still, everyone was surprised about what they received. My Secret Santa turned out to be none other than Sharla, and I sent a handmade journal to Margaret of Splendid Little Stars. ” It has a beachy/watery theme,” Margaret told me, “so I believe I will use it as a journal to record my impressions/experiences of my beach vacations.”

Sharla definitely struck a sweet note with the chocolate-covered hazelnuts shown below. When we gather our sweets and treats for New Year’s Eve, you can bet these delectables will be within easy reach.

My Secret Santa package from Sharla also included a handmade fabric-and-lace bookmark made by apron specialist Stephanie Lochet of Aux Belles Choses. A day never passes that I don’t read a book or magazine, so this pretty bookmark will get a lot of use.

Finally (and I’ve saved the best for last), Sharla included one of her own beaded crystal bracelets in my package. It is so dainty, and it fastens easily and securely with a magnetic clasp. The photo below, to be honest, does not do the pretty bracelet justice. And it just happens to match a brooch I received from a family member for Christmas!

Thank you, Sharla, for making my Christmas extra special and for organizing the Secret Santa exchange. I hope we do it again next year! You can read about everyone else’s surprise packages HERE.

3 thoughts on “Blogging Business Artisans holds Secret Santa exchange”

  1. Sharla did an awesome job with your gifts! I have not purchased any of her pieces, but I don’t doubt that her work is that much more gorgeous in person. I know that Margaret will really enjoy her journal!

  2. That’s a beautiful journal for Margaret! I’m glad you enjoy your presents too! I love Hazelnut Hill’s products and am glad it’s on the other side of town or I’d visit way too often! 🙂 I had Stephanie make that bookmark just for you and I’m really happy you like the bracelet I made too!

  3. splendidlittlestars

    What a wonderful gift Sharla gave you! yummy chocolate and beautiful bookmark and bracelet!
    You know how much I love the gorgeous journal you made for me! It is perfect and wonderful and I can’t wait to use it. I will have to be very brave to put the first mark in it.

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