Newest “bladerunner” on the block

Home » Newest “bladerunner” on the block

Last week I began a new project, a gardening journal, so I did less blogging and more creating. It’s not easy finding a balance sometimes! The journal is not yet finished, but I’ll post photos of it when it is completed. Meanwhile, I have been using a new paper crafting tool from Fiskars that I have to tell you about. If you have been reading my posts for a while, then you know that I am a big Fiskars fan (see The cutting edge of paper crafting tools). A week ago I used a 43% off discount coupon at Archiver’s to purchase a Fiskars® ProCisionâ„¢ Paper Trimmer that is apparently the newest paper trimmer on the block. It is so new, in fact, that I could not find a Web site (including Fiskars) that advertises it.

What’s so special, you ask, about a paper trimmer? After all, I have 4 other ones that do a perfectly good job. The ProCisionâ„¢ is a deluxe tool that cuts thicker materials including multiple layers of card stock and lightweight chipboard, and it uses a spring-loaded rotary bypass blade that never needs sharpening. It features a dual-rail system made from steel that eliminates blade wiggle, which means more accurate cutting.  And better yet, the ProCisionâ„¢ slices so precisely that you can do cuts up to 1/16th of an inch and barely blink. (Yes, the paper trimmer has a metric ruler, too.)

The rubberized feet on the bottom of the paper trimmer keep it stable, preventing it from slipping. You can cut paper up to 13 inches on one side, and up to 2-1/2 inches on the other side of the blade. A paper guard prevents you from getting fingerprints on your photos when you trim them. When the paper guard is raised, the blade does not operate; when it swings down, it activates the blade. Best of all, the ProCisionâ„¢ folds flat for storage or travel.

So, what am I going to do with my other Fiskars paper trimmers? Fortunately, some of them have already found new homes—specifically, in my husband’s and son’s home offices. I will likely keep my SureCutâ„¢ Deluxe Craft Paper Trimmer because it allows me to score in 1/16th inch increments, and it has grid lines for standard envelope measurements.

Visit your local Archiver’s today to get your own ProCisionâ„¢ paper trimmer. (And no, I wasn’t paid to say that! If you know of another source, I’d love to hear about it.) The normal retail price is $119.99, but if you use a discount coupon, you can buy it for less. (Note: On 8/25/12, I discovered that sells the trimmer for $119.99, so if you don’t have an Archiver’s near you, you can order the tool online.)

© 2012 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

6 thoughts on “Newest “bladerunner” on the block”

  1. Whoa…that’s a big time paper cutter! Very cool:) I’m with you- it’s hard to find a balance- right now I’m finding myself more in the “life” mode- spent the afternoon canning & just didn’t have a second to finish reading blogs! Here it is 7:30 at night and I’m finally getting around to it!

  2. Fiskars is such a great brand. I have the original version of this cutter and like it, but don’t love it. The one thing I hate is the plastic cutting mat. Sure, the blade never needs replaced, but that thing does. Does this one have a plastic mat too? That the blade cuts against?
    And they say you never have to replace the blade, but I had one from Making Memories that I loved, but needed a new blade. Since they “never need replaced” I can’t find a new blade anywhere! They must not know how much paper we like to cut 🙂
    I’ll be interested to see how you like this one after using it for a few months…I’m always in market for a new cutter 🙂

    1. I’ll be sure to let you know, Edi, how I like the paper trimmer after a few months. The folks at Archiver’s told me the blade is self-sharpening. There is a metal strip that the blade rolls against; the surface is not completely smooth, so I am guessing it acts as a sharpener.

  3. that’s great that it cut multiple sheets so precisely! When I cut paper for my journals (and I need to make some new journals!), I cut one paper at a time. Sounds like you got a great deal with the coupon! {:-D

  4. I make a number of cards so 8 was wondering where the fold is. I need the 4 1/4 and the 5 1/5 markers. Are they visible on this one. Looks like it might be at the fold. Does anyone know?

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