Bring me a hook

Home » Bring me a hook

Once again, I’ve absented myself from blogging, mainly because I’ve been tied up with Destination Imagination® (DI) marketing efforts, Web site issues and preparations for two upcoming craft shows. In my last post I mentioned that our DI state Web site was hacked and that I had the privilege of learning how to fix it. Well, two more weekends in a row the same thing happened. I finally traced the problem to one or more bad plugins that were providing a back door into the Web site. Along the way, the lesson I learned is that you need to delete plugins and site themes you’re not using because they can provide an unwanted entry into your Web site. And it’s a good idea to change your password every once in a while, too.

While I was dealing with the Web site hacking issue, I was simultaneously printing 400 tri-fold brochures, duplicating 400 marketing CDs for a two-day education conference that took place last week, and pulling out my hair while I tried to figure out how I would finish crocheting 16 pairs of fingerless gloves that my hair stylist graciously agreed to display in her salon.

What probably got me through all of this busy-ness was the assistance of my husband, John. He was a real trooper as he folded brochures and smoothed out the creases with a bone folder. He sat in front of his computer, sliding shiny silver discs into the CD drive for duplication while I sat in front of my computer, doing the same. If you know my husband, then you know that he likes to be helpful. He even likes to help me sell at craft shows, although I’m sure he never anticipated this before we got married!

Once upon a time John was a young man who served four years in the U.S. Navy as a weapons officer. When he finished his military service and began interviewing for a position in sales, he developed a waiting-for-the-phone-to-ring nail biting habit. Thankfully, seven interviews later with his eventual employer, he was hired. Meanwhile, the nail biting was driving me crazy.

“You need to do something constructive with your hands,” I said. I suggested crocheting.

“Uh, no. But thanks for the suggestion,” he told me.

About a week later, John grew restless and caught himself biting his nails. “Bring me a hook,” he said.

That was about 30 years ago. If you’ll pardon the pun, my husband got hooked. He crocheted a baby blanket for our son, shown below, and gradually most of our family members received made-especially-for-you-by-John afghans.

Our five-week-old son, David, shows off the blanket his father crocheted for him.

Recently I decided to sell one of my crochet patterns in my Etsy shop (JN Originals) and on Craftsy.  I needed a tester, so you guessed it: John was up for the challenge. “Bring me a hook,” he said.

It’s great having a not-so-silent partner. Did I mention he likes to cook?!

© 2012 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “Bring me a hook”

  1. Oh wow! I didn’t know that your hus crocheted too! That’s pretty cool:) I adore a man who can get crafty now and then, or at least love and appreciate what you do!

  2. SSplendid Little StarspSplendid Little SStarslendiSpld Little Stars

    definitely a keeper!
    I have friends whose son knits and has just written a book which should be out very soon.

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