Finding balance in 2014

Home » Finding balance in 2014

January is traditionally the month in which folks make resolutions. Do I usually make them? Honestly, no, but I do set loose, hopefully achievable goals. This month Blogging Business Artisans‘ team captain, Edi Royer of Memories for Life Scrapbooks, challenged team members to:

Blog about your plans for 2014 and share them with the team. Tell us what you have in store for your Etsy shop as well as your personal life. Feel free to share photos of upcoming projects or just make a list of resolutions/goals.

Here goes! In general, I hope that 2014 will be all about bringing balance into my life, as follows:

Gold Scales of Justice by Kittisak
Image courtesy of Kittisak /

1. Find a better balance between volunteer work and creative efforts.

2. Establish a photography schedule so that more products can be listed in my Etsy shops, instead of languishing on a table or in a box.

3. Have enough product on hand for craft shows so that my Etsy shops don’t have to be emptied in order to stock a show.

4. Learn about bag construction so that I can develop a few bags to sell on Etsy in a fourth shop that is just waiting for products to be listed.

5. Clean up the paper crafting studio and sewing room so that I can leave the doors to these rooms open when guests visit.

6. Lose weight and keep more of it off (this seems to be my goal every year).

That’s it, folks! If you have blogged about your goals this year, feel free to include a link to your post in the comments below so we can encourage each other.

© 2014 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

4 thoughts on “Finding balance in 2014”

  1. Great goals, Judy! I can’t imagine juggling 4 shops, but if anyone can do it, you can!
    I just signed up for a Spring Craft Fair, 11 days after the end of tax season, so I can totally empathize with the need for Goal #3!!

  2. Balance is a good theme for the year! I hope you’re able to do more crafting and less volunteering.
    Growth is my loose goal for the year…and my new studio is so close to complete!

  3. Paige @ Little Nostalgia

    Having enough stock for shows was always something I had trouble with. I emptied my Etsy shop ONCE to prepare for a show and I was stressed out the whole time, afraid I’d double-sell something. (I did not.) So after that I’d always spend the days leading up to a show with marathon jewelry-making sessions. My fingers were so sore… Hopefully you can find a way to balance that and let us know!

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