Where to find free coloring printables for adults

Home » Where to find free coloring printables for adults

In a previous post, The lure of coloring activity books for adults, I discussed what now appears to be a widespread trend among the bookstores: coloring books for adults.

“I just bought one for my wife’s birthday,” said the bookstore clerk Saturday afternoon, when he ran my credit card through the register for a copy of Johanna Basford’s Secret Garden: 20 Postcards.

Secret Garden 20 Postcards

He said that at one point his store had run low on certain titles of adult coloring books, but that publishers had finally “caught on” to the trend and bookstores everywhere are now well stocked. That certainly appeared to be true this weekend, when everywhere I looked, I saw displays of the books. I spotted them in the entryway, between the double sets of doors, on a table inside the store, and on their normal space on a bookshelf, in addition to the shelves built into the counter of the information kiosk. The store may as well have posted a billboard announcing, “Profit Leaders on Display Here.”

In any event, I was glad to pick up my little book of pre-printed post cards, simply waiting for color to be splashed on them.

Although it doesn’t cost much to purchase a coloring book and a set of 12 colored pencils, I acknowledge that for some people, their interest may wane after they color a page or two. Or, possibly, you don’t want to hand over an entire book to your kids that you think might interest them for less than a page. A good solution might be to take advantage of the many free pages you can print for yourself, beginning with the ones on this list from the Web:

A collection of adult coloring printables that continually grows can be found on Pinterest. If you search for “adult coloring therapy free inexpensive printables,” for example, here’s a screenshot of what you’ll find.

Screenshot of Pinterest printables

Let me know which sites appeal to you most. I was surprised to see how much is out there, simply waiting for your printer to take charge. In the comments below, feel free to share where you have discovered additional free coloring book printables for adults.

© 2015 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

3 thoughts on “Where to find free coloring printables for adults”

  1. I almost bought Secret Garden in Australia, but I didn’t have the chance to get back to the store where I saw it. I’m loving the one I did buy, though! Thank you for alerting me to adult coloring books a few weeks ago. =)

  2. Paige @ Little Nostalgia

    My best friend likes to color as a way to unwind after a long day. She’s a speech pathologist at a special needs school, which can be stressful and busy, so coloring is a way for her to relax in her office for a few minutes before she even leaves work. I don’t think I’ve colored anything since I was a babysitter in high school, but I remember it being very soothing! I might have to get some crayons and printables. 🙂

  3. Coloring as a kid was always so much fun! I love the intricate designs and fun patterns of the adult versions! Thanks for the free links!

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