Fall brings about new outlook and finished projects

Home » Fall brings about new outlook and finished projects

Although autumn won’t officially begin until this Friday, already I am seeing signs of my favorite season. The days are gradually shortening, the temperatures are beginning to drop, and the leaves on the trees are crinkling and yellowing. School is once more in session, so mid-afternoon I see middle school and high school students traveling in packs as they walk home. The craft and fabric store aisles are filled with fall merchandise . . . orange decorative pumpkins, orange-and-red-and-gold silk florals, fabrics in warm harvest colors, friendly scarecrows for your front lawn and welcome signs featuring crows. My spirit lifts, and I feel renewed energy to finish projects that have resided in the UFO (UnFinished Objects) pile for months and sometimes years, and to start new ones.

For this week’s 52 Weeks Challenge, I completed a fall-themed candle wrap for a customer who needed one for her four-ounce jar candles. This crocheted and felted wool candle wrap is actually one of my Java Jackets that I sell at JN Originals on Etsy, but my buyer had a wonderful idea about an alternate use. I think I need one of these myself, since we always have a candle burning when fall begins. Can you smell the cinnamon?

© 2011 Judy Nolan. All rights reserved.

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